Fiestas in Santa Eulària : Primer Diumenge de Maig (First Sunday of May)

K-lendar02 May 2021
Clock07:00h - 20:00h
Location MarkSanta Eulalia, Ibiza

Fiestas in Santa Eulària : Primer Diumenge de Maig (First Sunday of May)

Program for the day: 

8h - Chime 

10h to 20h :Flower exhibition at the Ibiza Congress Center - Palau de Congressos

11h - Mass at the Puig de Missa. 

Limited places. 

12h - I love you 2 Maig : Concert by SHAKATRIBE at the town hall square. 

12h - Soccer : PXD Peña Deportiva - AE Prat

13h - Video brindis popular. Facebook @santaeulariadesriu

13.30h -  I love you 2 Maig Festival : Concert by AYKIA, at thee town hall square.

16h - I love you 2 Maig Festival : Concert by VUDU DELTA, at the town hall square.

Facebook @santaeulariadesriu

17h - Magic show: "Dias de Nocilla y magia" (MAgic and Nutella days) by the Nacho Diago Company (Valencia). 

For the whole family. 55 min.

Teatro España. Admission 3€.  

18h - I love y ou 2 Maig Festival: Concert by MORNING DRIVERS, at the town hall square.

Facebook @santaeulariadesriu

21h - Show Cocktail: "Can Rich spritz & Dolce Vita" 

Facebook @santaeulariadesriu

21.15h - Dance : "Jerusalema Challenge" with Real dance Palace. 

Faceboock. @santaeulariadesriu.

21.30h - Interview to Alba Pau, Premio Xarc 20201. 

Faceboock @santaeulariadesriu.

22h - DJ Rubens

Faceboock @santaeulariadesriu.

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