Conference by Élodie Guillon on news from archaeological research - MAEF

K-lendar14 April 2021
Location MarkEivissa, Ibiza


At the Archaeological Museum of Ibiza and Formentera and via Zoom platform, with free access and prior registration to one of these emails:

  • aamaef @ 

"Caminos hacia el pasado: algunos modelos de ocupación y conexión territorial en la Ibiza púnica"

( Roads to the past: some models of occupation and territorial connection in Punic Ibiza)

By Élodie Guillon (University of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès)

The conference presents the results of a recent research project based on the use of various tools of the digital humanities (spatial models, statistical analysis, etc.) for the characterization of the occupation models of the island of Ibiza in Punic times. 

How to use archaeological data to understand these settlement processes and their economic models; where these communities resided on the island, as well as getting closer to their land and sea traffic systems (how and why they moved), are some of the issues discussed in the project.

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